DA165, 165kW

DA165, 165kW | FrontView
DA165, 165kW | FrontView
DA165, 165kW | LeftSideView
DA165, 165kW | ProductInUse
DA165, 165kW | FeatureInfographics
DA165, 165kW | ProductBadge
DA165, 165kW | ProductBadge
DA165, 165kW | ProductBadge

The Liebert® DSE is the industry’s first pumped refrigeant economization system designed specifically for data centers. Ideal for companies seeking sustainable solutions, it provides up to 50% higher efficiency than traditional systems – and it uses no water. Its advanced controls automate economization to get the most free-cooling in any environment.


  • Pumped Refrigerant Economizer
  • Advanced Thermal Controls
  • Microchannel Condenser
  • Independent Thermal System Design
  • 50-265kW capacities
  • Downflow configurations (50 - 265 kW)
  • Upflow configurations (80 - 85 kW)  


  • Minimizes compressor use to maximize free cooling
  • Eliminates need for bringing outside air and contanimants into the data center
  • Eliminates water usage, no costly water treatment required
  • Auto-economization increases the number of free-cooling hours throughout the year
  • No dampers and louvers to maintain
  • Industry-best condenser efficiency
  • N+1 thermal redundancy
  • Capacity can easily be scaled without affecting the rest of the cooling infrastructure, while maintaining desired redundancy
  • Lower refrigerant charge than traditional DX systems

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